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Tyler Davey with his Marlin caught on 10kg line. Its certainly looking like 2023 shall be called the year of the Easterlies. There has been little opportunity to get out on the boat due to the constant strong winds encountered. In the shop, there has been steady stream of people bemoaning cancelled charters or how they towed the boat hours up to Russell and have no chance of getting out in it! However, the keen anglers have resorted to fishing from the beach and off the rocks and have been catching a few too! Earlier this past fortnight the weather...

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Diawa, Fishing Report, Snapper -

Tyler Davey with the “Horse”, which after the photo was safely released I got my mojo back! Good weather and have enjoyed some great fishing. Been unlucky on the game fishing side although had two bites but it’s always great to see a marlin on the surface worrying the outrigger lure! Shame he didn’t stick but that’s fishing. I’ve also had the opportunity to take 2 young fellows out for a fish over the past 2 weeks and seeing the smile on these young, keen as mustard, anglers makes it so rewarding. Last Sunday I snagged a great snapper on...

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Fishing Report, Snapper -

Mitch with a nice snapper taken on a slider during a mid-week mission. The weather continues to be mostly settled and the shop has been doing a steady trade as a result. I went out last week for a morning fish and Mitch (aka Uncle) caught a thumper of a snapper on the old faithful slider. The fish ‘blew’ on the way up but was thoroughly enjoyed at the Swordfish Club for dinner by several people that night.Possibly the most meritorious catch has come from Bevan Beauchamp fishing solo from his trailer boat Blind Squirrel, who successfully tagged a blue...

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English visitor Katie made a great start to her fishing career with this 18lb snapper she caught and released last week. Finally. some settled weather! We took young Katie from Devon, England, for what she told us was her first time fishing! She went and landed an 18lb snapper on the Free Swimmer strayline setup, which was duly photographed and released. Not a bad start!Mick Jepson on Kat n Fiddle continues to fish well, telling me he got two yellowfin tuna and three striped marlin last week. As a trainee weighmaster, last week I helped hoist up a 218kg swordfish...

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Fishing Report, Snapper -

I’ve lost my Mojo! Between cyclones, power outages, internet and EFTpos failures, I just need a good fishing day. A chance finally came last Saturday and (drum roll..) we caught nothing! Not at all what was anticipated. I guess you gotta have these poor days to really appreciate the good days! Meanwhile, reports of meritorious catches keep rolling in. Coffee Cart Carl was casting a grumpy fish lure up front of the boat while waiting on the livebaits to get eaten by kingfish, and bam, pulls up a 22.5lb snapper. Kevin fishing with Mick Jepson on Kat n Fiddle caught...

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