Squidnation Mini Flippy Floppy Thing

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  • Regular price $169.99


The Squid Nation Mini Flippy Floppy Fishing Daisy Chain is a daisy chain depicting a critter scattering a bunch of bait in the air! It truly is Tuna & Marlin candy!  


Using a smaller squid and lighter tackle this makes the ideal chain for Marlin, Tuna, and Mahi Mahi.

300lb trace with a heavy 250lb rolling swivel to attach a lure in line.

Made in the USA with Global Components.

Fished around the world and proven Lethal.

Pakula series made up of 200mm squids with a total leader length of 1500mm.

Squidnation series made up from 140mm squids with a total length of 1250mm.