BOI Fishing Report - 23Mar23
Mitch with a nice snapper taken on a slider during a mid-week mission.
The weather continues to be mostly settled and the shop has been doing a steady trade as a result. I went out last week for a morning fish and Mitch (aka Uncle) caught a thumper of a snapper on the old faithful slider. The fish ‘blew’ on the way up but was thoroughly enjoyed at the Swordfish Club for dinner by several people that night.
Possibly the most meritorious catch has come from Bevan Beauchamp fishing solo from his trailer boat Blind Squirrel, who successfully tagged a blue marlin estimated at 220kg. Last weekend was the Reel Ladies competition where a number of marlin were tagged and some good snapper were weighed too!
Following social media, I see that the charter operators are doing very well with great catches of both kingfish and snapper. The forecast is looking great – the best I’ve seen all year – and this weekend is the Cater Marine Small Boats competition. I expect to see a number of billfish captured as well as some great snapper and kingfish.
Come into the shop to check out the latest in gear, get your bait, ice and berley, and most importantly, some genuine intel! We are open every day from 9am to 4pm. Check out https://www.fishing.net.nz/ for more fishing tips, bite times and great how to articles.
Garry Townley