BOI Fishing Report 1Dec22
The bay continues to fish well for big schooling snapper – Highlander James Lentjes with a personal best.
Southern visitor James Lentjies – captain of the Highlanders – came into Screaming Reels the other day enquiring about where to fish off the rocks, so I invited him out on the Stabicraft the next morning. He got three decent snapper, all PBs. And as it turns out, he also plays No. 7 for the Highlanders – lucky number!
The Rockhoppers Tournament saw not one but three snapper over the magic 20lb mark caught – a fantastic effort by some young (and old) fishermen.
Slow jigs and softbaits have continued to be our go to and we have tried just about every brand. They all catch fish. I see Days Out continues to satisfy his customers with some impressive fish.
The Battery Town Ice Breaker competition is on this weekend, December 3-4.
Looking ahead, the weather forecast is looking better and many (including me) are sorting out their big game fishing gear. I expect a marlin or a yellowfin tuna will be caught this weekend as a little further south a short-billed spearfish was weighed in Whangārei.
Come into the shop to check out the latest in gear, get your bait, ice, berley and, most importantly, some genuine intel!
Remember to checkout www.fishing.net.nz for more area fishing reports, bite times, forums, how to guides and much more!