BOI Fishing Report 17Nov22
Well, it seems my prediction that it was about to fire a couple of weeks ago was spot on! The last few fishing trips have seen the bin full in less than half a day with many memorable and impressive fish caught. My new best friend visited the Bay of Islands, up from Rotorua and caught his first 20lber and the rest of the crew caught a number of fish that just missed out on the magic mark.
Slow jigs and softbaits have been our goto but a number of locals are catching massive fish on livebaits. It seems every Charter Operator is posting on social media pictures of their crews with impressive catches. While the fishing is on fire its easy to overfill the bin so remember to just take what you need for the family and friends.
The Rockhoppers competition starts this Friday evening followed by the Battery Town Ice Breaker competition on the 3rd and 4th December.
Looking ahead, the weather forecast is not looking great however any small weather window will be worth a look. Come into the shop to check out the latest in gear, get your bait, ice and berley, and most importantly, some genuine intel!
For more fishing reports, how to guides, bite time, tides and more, please visit www.fishing.net.nz