Bay of Islands Fishing Report 10Jul24
Reports are that plenty of fat pannie sized snapper remain in the shallows and our straylining trips continue to produce a feed each time. I have been following the bite times found on www.fishing.net.nz and 9 out of 10 times these have been spot on! Well worth a look before every fishing trip and may mean the difference between a dissapointing and productive day.
While we were out we were visited by an MPI boat with a very friendly crew to check our catch and see if we understood the local fishing rules and restricted areas. We passed with flying colours and from my perspective I’m very happy to see them out in the bay (first time in 9 years I seen them though..). If you’re visiting the BOI pop into the shop where we have maps showing the caulerpa no fishing zones, marine reserves and the 5 knot zones. Alternately, check out the Russell Radio webite www.russellradio.org.nz for maps under their page zone restrictions. And if you’re fishing in the bay for a bit, why not join up!
Carl P has been fishing off the rocks near Long Beach and he reports catching a nice 45cm snapper that was very, very fat. Great to see that the fish are in great condition. He also noted that on the dusk the sea was swarming with squid! .I thinks it’s time to get the squid jigs out and catch some of these tasty morsels. Nicky and Ginge set the mullet net in Orongo Bay and while waiting put a couple lines in the 2 meters of water. They were rewarded with some nice pannies but unfortunately no mullet!
Come into the shop to check out the latest in gear, get your bait, ice and berley, and most importantly, some genuine intel! We have reduced our operating hours for the winter period and are open from 9.00am to 4pm, Weds, Fri and Sat, Sun. As always, if you urgently need some supplies after hours just give me a call.