Bay of islands Fishing Report 16Oct24
Ryan fishing from his kayak reports that the Screaming Reels cap catches fish!
The fishing has been fantastic although the windy weather has limited the fishing opportunities. The large school snapper have arrived and a few days ago I weighed 2 pin fish for the Davey family. Young Tylers went 8.6kg but his Mum, Louise, beat him with a solid 9.75kg fish. Both pinfish for the BOI Swordfish Club.
My fishing on the other hand has been somewhat average and we struggled last week to catch a feed. We followed the gannets around for most the morning and ended up with 3 pannie sized snapper for our efforts. However, Ryan dropped a 300g kingie jig and came up with a respectable john dory! A welcome addition to the bin!
Probably the biggest news from the Bay has been the landing of 2 Northern Bluefin tuna last Thursday – a 190kg and a 211kg fish! Apparently, these beasts are hanging around in close around the Brett, gorging on the huge bait schools currently in residence. And again, young Tyler is out there, unfortunately though his fish was lost at the boat after a 2 hour battle!
Ryan, kayak fishing in the bay, is doing very well with a number of good sized fish coming home for tea.