Bay of Islands Fishing Report 15th June 2023
Team St Moritz with a 29kg kingfish caught on 6kg line. At the time of writing this was the largest fish weighed but Wednesday (last day) fish yet to be counted!
The BOISC 53rd TotalSpan Bay of Islands International Yellowtail Tournament has just completed their 4-day event for which the weather gods finally smiled. Forty teams including many returning Australian anglers who fish this tournament every year have been battling it out for bragging rights and the prize pool. There have been good numbers of fish weighed everyday along with measure or tag and release fish. The prize giving is not till this Friday so it remains to be seen who the top anglers and boats will be?
I got a leave pass last Sunday and enjoyed a great day out on the water chasing snapper in near perfect conditions. We landed several fish in the 8-10lb range while stray lining the shallows and were fortunate enough to spot a workup in the 45m zone where a few more good fish were added to the bin using slow jigs. Watching the bait schools of pilchards being harassed by kahawai and kingfish under the boat was the highlight of the day.
The weather is looking pretty good for the weekend and given the great inshore fishing we’re experiencing at the moment, I would be heading out (if I didn’t have a shop to run!).
Come into the shop to check out the latest in gear, get your bait, ice and berley, and most importantly, some genuine intel! We are currently operating on our winter days, Closed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday’s but we are always available after hours to run down to the shop and supply bait or gear. Just give me a call!.